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A Fantasy Peace




Regalo (Ultra-atrasado y doble) de cumpleaños para :iconwildbluefantasy: y :iconbladedragoon7575:

Despues de unas semanas, esta finalmente hecho, felicidades a los dos. Y... ¡Con una historia! Solo para compensar el atraso del dibujo, pero valio la pena.


Balance Blade habia pasado su cumpleaños tranquilo pasandoselo genial con sus amigos ponis, con sus saludos y regalos de felicitación, le fue genial hasta que llego a pensar a una amiga que convivia en una dimension en la cual es diferente y solo Balance podia viajar para visitarla. Entonces se le ocurrio a este unicornio usar su magia para volver a viajar entre dimensiones hasta que encontrase el lugar donde corresponde.

Balance tras usar mucho su magia, al final pudo llegar al destino que el quiso, pero se encontraba muy cansado, ya que viajar dimensiones le era dificil, al menos para el. Nada mas llegado al lugar, tenia que dencansar en medio un bosque parecido al de su mundo, sentandose por un rato.

Tras su descanso durante unos minutos, Balance prosigue su marcha por el bosque hasta poder salir a un prado, donde recordaba el momento cuando conocio por primera a vez a Riley justo por aqui. Balance andaba buscandola, pero no sabia como comenzar, ya que no conoce mucho el mundo, mas de lo que queria, pero ante una mirada accidentada ante la busqueda, la encontro sentada en la cima de una suave colina donde se hallaba sentada con las piernas dobladas horizontalmente y sus brazos encima de ellas, mirando al cielo pensativa.

Balance Blade se habia puesto contento dado que la había encontrado, lo cual no ha dudado dos veces en acercarse. Y ante los misteriosos sentidos de Riley, noto la presencia del unicornio azul una vez mas. Empezando a hablar antes de girarse.

Riley: puede ser.

Entonces da la vuelta y se encuentra de nuevo con el. Y Balance prosiguiendo con una suave sonrisa.

Balance: Hola.

Riley da un giro de 90 grados usando su cuerpo, para intentar apreciarle mejor. Y se queda un poco impactada.

Riley: ¡Has venido, Balance!

Entonces da una sonrisa, riendose ligeramente y moviendo un poco su cabeza.

Balance: Si, bueno...  Heh.

Entonces continua Riley, pareciendo que esta agradecida ante la llegada de su presencia.

Riley: Me alegro de verte una vez mas~

Balance: No podia hacerte esperar en esta dimension, mientras era el unico que podia hacer magia para viajar dimensiones, pero si, he decidido visitarte y saludarte de nuevo

Riley: Eso es bonito, oh... Entonces se daba cuenta de su dia de cumple Balance, era tu cumpleaños, ¿Cierto?

Balance entonces se dio cuenta que vino despues de su fiesta.

Balance: Ah, si, fue ayer, la fiesta fue tranquila en comparación con el año pasado, pero aun asi estoy contento con ello.

Riley se pone algo triste.

Riley: Como me hubiera gustado haber ido a tu mundo y habertelo dado mi regalo yo misma.

Balance le ha dado curiosidad en cuanto se entera del regalo que tenia Riley.

Balance: Oh. ¿Tenias algo para mi?

Riley: Si, bueno...

Riley paso de lo poco positiva a un poco triste de emociones. Balance notaba lo que se encontraba, entonces, le dio una pregunta.

Balance: ¿Mhm? ¿Te encuentras bien?

Riley mira de reojo a Balance, poniendose algo contenta en cuanto notaba la preocupación.

Riley: Estoy bien, solo he tenido un dia muy ocupado y al final he acabado cansada..

Balance: Oh, ¿Que ocurrio?

Balance queriendo saberlo, intentando ayudarla.

Riley: Han ocurrido mil y una historias, seria larga de contarla.

Balance: Oh, vale, no te preocupes entonces.

Riley, aun algo contenta, lo que hizo a continuación, fue cogerte de los lados de sus costados y le arrima hasta delante de ellas, en medio de sus dos piernas. Balance ante de lo que hizo, se queda preguntando algo sorprendido.

Balance: ¿Riley?

Entonces Riley se pone a acariciarle con sus propias manos su melena con suavidad.

Riley: Te habia extrañado, pensaba que no ibas a venir~

Balance, ante la reacción, intenta mirarla de reojo ya que se encontraba de espaldas contra ella, enpezando a sonrojarse, pero intenta pasar desapercebido, dando un suave resoplido de risa.

Balance: Uhm, como dije, queria visitarte, no iba dejarte un tiempo sin dejar de verte, dado que soy el unico en hacer magia.

Riley ante lo que notaba con los sentimientos de Balance, ella los aprovechaba mientras seguia acariciandole, sin intentar despeinarle.

Riley: Solo necesitaba tu compañia, eres un amigo al quien puedo confiar.

Balance: Si, eso me lo dijiste cuando te visite en aquel dia.

Balance prosigue antes de que diga algo Riley

Balance: Oye, ¿Por que estas caricias?

Riley se pone suavemente contenta, pareciendo relajada ante la suave voz que producia

Riley: ...Necesitaba tranquilizarme~ no tenia alguna manera de hacerlo y acariciar tu melena me ayuda a conseguirlo...

Balance: Heh, bueno, me alegro que sea de ayuda.

Tras la felicidad pacifica entre los dos, para terminar el momento, Riley procede dar un beso a la mejilla del unicornio azul, dejando la marca en ella. No tardo en Balance en cuanto lo noto, en sorprenderse y en sonrojarse.

Riley: Gracias por venir, Balance Blade, realmente lo necesitaba~

Balance se encontraba mirando un rato a la marca del beso, despues gira su cabeza para mirarla y sonreirla.

Balance: No hay problema.

Riley: ¿Puedes quedarte un poco ya que estas aqui?

Balance: Claro, ademas, que todavia necesitare descansar para recuperar el esfuerzo.

Riley da una dulce sonrisa para terminar.

Riley: Debe ser agotador usarla, quedate y asi te dare el regalo, para luego arreglarte el beso marcado en Misty Meadows.

Balance: Esta bien, no hay problema. Vamos entonces.

Entonces Balance Blade y Riley reunidos una vez mas, se marcharon juntos a Misty Meadows, y Riley, mejor de si misma gracias a la presencia de Balance Blade.

Einglish (Is not 100%):

Birthday (Ultra-late and double) gift for :iconwildbluefantasy: and :iconbladedragoon7575:

After from weeks, is finally done, congratulations to both of you. And... With a story! Just to compensate for the delayed drawing, but it was worth it.


Balance Blade had spent her quiet birthday having a great time with their pony friends, with her greetings and congratulatory gifts, it was great until he came to think of a friend who live in a dimension in which she is different and just Balance could travel to visit her. Then it occurred to this unicorn to use its magic to return to travel between dimensions until he found the place where it corresponds.

Balance after much use of his magic, in the end he was able to reach the destination that he wanted, but he was very tired, since traveling dimensions was difficult, at least for him. Nothing more arrived at the place, had to rest in the middle a forest similar to the one of its world, sitting for a while.

After his rest for a few minutes, Balance continued his march through the forest until he could walk out into a meadow, where he remembered the moment when he met for first time Riley right around here. Balance was looking to her, but he didn't know how to begin, since he did not know much about this world, more than he wanted, but in a accident look in the search, he found sat on the top of a gentle hill where she sat with her legs folded horizontally and their arms above them, looking at the sky pensive.

Balance Blade had been happy since he had found it, which has not doubted twice in approaching. And with the mysterious senses of Riley, she notices the presence of the blue unicorn once more. Starting to speak before turning.

Riley: It... it cannot be.

Then she turns around and finds herself again with him. And Balance continued with a soft smile. 

Balance: Hello. 

Riley takes a 90-degree turn using his body, to try to appreciate him better. And she is a little shocked. 

Riley: You came, Balance!

Then he gives a smile, laughing slightly and moving his head a little.

Balance: Yeah, well... Heh.

Then Riley continues, seeming grateful to the arrival of his presence. 

Riley: Glad to see you one more time~ 

Balance: I could not make you wait in this dimension, while I was the only one who could do magic to travel dimensions, but yeah, I decided to visit you and greet you again 

Riley: That's nice, oh... Then he realized his birthday Balance, it was your birthday, right?

Balance then realized that he came after his party.

Balance: Ah, yes, it was yesterday, the party was quiet compared to last year, but I'm still happy with it.

Riley gets a little sad. 

Riley: How I would have liked to have went to your world and have given you my gift myself.

Balance: Oh. Did you have something for me? 

Riley: Yeah, well... 

Riley stepped from the few positive to the slightly sad of emotions. Balance noticed what she was, then, he asked a question. 

Balance: Mhm? Are you okay? 

Riley glances sideway at Balance, getting a little happy as soon as he feels the worry. 

Riley: I'm fine, I've just had a very busy day and I ended up tired...

Balance: Oh, what happened? 

Balance wanted to know, trying to help her.

Riley: There have been a thousand and one stories, it would be long to tell.

Balance: Oh, okay, don't worry then.

Riley, still a little happy, what she did next, was to take him from his sides of his body and pull him up in front of her, in the middle of her two legs. Balance into what she did, he stay wondering something surprised.

Balance: Riley?

Then Riley begins with her own hands to caress his mane softly. 

Riley: I missed you, I thought you were not going to come~ 

Balance, into the reaction, he tries to look at her sideway, since he was from backs to her, beginning to blush, but try to go unnoticed, giving a soft snort of laughter. 

Balance: Uhm, like I said, I wanted to visit you, I wasn't going to leave you a time without stopping seeing you, since I am the only one in do magic.

Riley was aware of Balance's feelings, and she took advantage of them as she continued petting him, not trying to tousle his hair.

Riley: I just needed your company, you're a friend that I can trust.

Balance: Yes, you told me this when I visited you on that day

Balance goes on before to say something Riley. 

Balance: Hey, why these caresses?

Riley becomes gently happy, seeming relaxed at the soft voice she produced.

Riley: ...I needed to reassure myself~ I had no way of doing it and caressing your mane helps me to get it...

Balance: Heh, well, I'm glad it helps. 

After the peaceful happiness between the two, to finish the moment, Riley proceeds to give a kiss to the cheek of the blue unicorn, leaving the mark on him. Do not slow in Balance as soon as he feel it, in surprise and blushing.

Riley: Thanks for coming, Balance Blade, I really needed it~ 

Balance was staring at the mark of the kiss for a while, then turned his head to look at her and smile her. 

Balance: No have problem.

Riley: Can you stay a little now you are here? 

Balance: Of course, besides, I still need to rest to recover the effort.

Riley gives a sweet smile to finish. 

Riley: It must be exhausting to use it, stay and I'll give you the gift, then fix the kiss marked in Misty Meadows.

Balance: Okay, no problem. Let's go then. 

Then Balance Blade and Riley reunited once again, they left together to Misty Meadows, and Riley, better of herself thanks to the presence of Balance.

Update: fixed some dumb letters and added Italic words in some missing parts.

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© 2017 - 2024 Carlos235
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BladeDragoon7575's avatar
Woah... ~   This is amazing! :squee:

I feel like the story captured the characters' personality perfectly, and the characters' expressions perfectly describe the moment. Thank you for taking your time in doing this!